I know, I know… What the heck does your website have anything to do with social media advertising? We get that question a lot 🤦‍♀️.

Website Critique

Here’s why we always insist on a website critique before we start working our magic on your social media strategy: 

1. You hire us to manage your social media strategy

2. We come up with a strategy and content that’s going to knock people’s socks off. 

3. We launch the campaign and start testing things out.

4. Prospective clients start seeing your posts on social media.

5. They get super excited about your offering… so they go to your website. 

… But what happens if your website isn’t ready to turn those excited prospects into paying clients? 

Then the next step won’t be them looking for the contact form or “Sign Up” button. They’ll be looking for their browser’s “Back” arrow so they can return to social media.

The First Step to Social Media Success

Look, I don’t want to waste your time or your money. And I’m sure you don’t either. 

The last thing you want is to invest in social media, only to discover that your website has undone all of the work you did over there. 

Soooo… Let’s make sure your website is ready to capture as many of those social media leads as possible!

With our website critique service, we will: 

Audit your website

Show you where you’re likely to lose visitors

Help you close the loop and turn as many social media leads into sales

The cost is $200 and you can schedule it below. 

If you’re interested in any of our social media services, this should be your first step.

Get My Website Critique